Some of the wonderful things rattling around in this full brain 'o mine. UPDATED EVERY TUESDAY AND THURSDAY (or at least twice a week)

Monday, March 19, 2007

Cheap Golf!!!

You know, you can’t really go wrong with cheap golf, if you can find it. The hardest part is finding it. Especially if you’re new to the area you’re looking to golf in, it really helps to find sites that will show you quickly who has tee times available in the time frame you’re looking for.
Below there are a couple of sites that allow you to get discounted golf tee times online:

Golf Now
Set your county. Search by entering Dates, % Savings, Players, Morning or Afternoon Tee Times
Generally save anywhere from 10 – 33%.
You search your area, and it will list all tee times available for that day at all courses offering any deals.

EZ Links
Search area, input date, tee time wanted.

Search area, input date, tee time wanted.

All show amenities: carts, 9 or 18, GPS, free range balls, etc.

These sites and the system aren’t perfect though. There are a couple of things to keep in mind and do to protect yourself.

1) If you’re trying to book golf for the weekend, try and make your reservation online early in the week. Wednesday at the latest. Usually, to get the best usage, these sites ask you to look 8 days in advance.

2) Print out your receipt! Always make sure you print out your online receipt upon completing your purchase. The Girlfriend and I met a pair of ladies who hadn’t printed their receipt, and the golf course had no record of their online reservation. Thankfully, the course knew them and was nice enough to honor their discounted price and their tee time…but I wouldn’t expect that to be the rule.

Above all else, sometimes the best way to get a deal is to call. Especially if you have people visiting, I’ve known some Pro Shops give discounted golf just based on getting new people into the facility and generate good word of mouth. Remember, it can’t hurt to ask, the worst thing they can say is “No.”

1 comment:

GolfNow said...

Nate, good recommendations for booking online. Another tip for your readers for our site specifically -- while you can get up to 55% off tee times on the website, if you live in one of our local markets, you can sign up for the Hot Deals email club and get up to 70% off.

Plus, becoming a member lets you participate in the Rewards Program (for every 5 paid bookings you make, you are eligible for a reward -- from a putter, to free golf, to a titanium driver).

Good luck deal hunting, and happy golfing,
The GolfNow team